Article dans une revue scientifique
Bourdon, Florence
Simon, Nicolas
Lannoy, Damien
Berneron, Christophe
Décaudin, Bertrand
Reumaux, Laurence
Duhamel, Alain
Richart, Pierre
Odou, Pascal
- Quality control and stability of ketamine, remifentanil and sufentanil syringes in a pediatric operating theater, 2019
Bougherara, Lilia
Azais, Henri
Behal, Helene
Canlorbe, Geoffroy
Ballester, Marcos
Bendifallah, Sofiane
Coutant, Charles
Lavoue, Vincent
Ouldamer, Lobna
Graesslin, Olivier
Touboul, Cyril
Estevez, Juan Pablo
Collinet, Pierre
- Does lymphadenectomy improve survival in patients with intermediate risk endometrial cancer? a multicentric study from the francogyn research group, 2019
Batt, Michel
Camou, Fabrice
Coffy, Amandine
Feugier, Patrick
Senneville, Eric
Caillon, Jocelyne
Calvet, Brigitte
Chidiac, Christian
Laurent, Frédéric
Revest, Matthieu
Daures, Jean Pierre
- A meta-analysis of outcomes of in situ reconstruction after total or partial removal of abdominal infected aortic graft, 2019
Bay, Jacques-Olivier
Andre, Thierry
Caux, Christophe
Evrard, Serge
Goncalves, Anthony
L''''allemain, Gilles
Magne, Nicolas
Orbach, Daniel
Penel, Nicolas
Rodrigues, Manuel
Thariat, Juliette
Thiery-Vuillemin, Antoine
Wislez, Marie
- Some important breakthroughs in oncology and hematology in 2018: a selection by the editorial board of bulletin du cancer, 2019
Rochoy, Michael
Rivas, V.
Chazard, Emmanuel
Decarpentry, E.
Saudemont, G.
Hazard, P-A
Puisieux, Francois
Gautier, Sophie
Bordet, Regis
- Factors associated with alzheimer''s disease: an overview of reviews, 2019
Turpin, Anthony
Genin, Michaël
Hebbar, Mohamed
Occelli, Florent
Lanier, Caroline
Vasseur, Francis
Descarpentries, Clotilde
Pannier, Diane
Ploquin, Anne
- Spatial heterogeneity of kras mutations in colorectal cancers in northern france, 2019
Joseph, C.
Robineau, Olivier
Titecat, Marie
Putman, Sophie
Blondiaux, Nicolas
Loiez, Caroline
Valette, Michel
Schmit, J L.
Beltrand, Eric
Dezeque, Herve
Nguyen, Sophie
Migaud, Henri
Senneville, Eric
- Daptomycin versus vancomycin as post-operative empirical antibiotic treatment for prosthetic joint infections: a case-control study, 2019
More, Simon John
Bampidis, Vasileios
Benford, Diane
Boesten, Jos
Bragard, Claude
Halldorsson, Thorhallur Ingi
Hernandez-Jerez, Antonio F.
Hougaard-Bennekou, Susanne
Koutsoumanis, Kostas
Naegeli, Hanspeter
Nielsen, Soren Saxmose
Schrenk, Dieter
Silano, Vittorio
Turck, Dominique
Younes, Maged
Aquilina, Gabriele
Crebelli, Riccardo
Gurtler, Rainer
Hirsch-Ernst, Karen-Ildico
Mosesso, Pasquale
Nielsen, Elsa
Solecki, Roland
Carfi, Maria
Di Martino, Carla
Maurici, Daniela
Morte, Juan Parra
Schlatter, Josef Rudolf
- Genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures, 2019
Wouthuyzen-Bakker, Marjan
Sebillotte, Marine
Lomas, Jose
Taylor, Adrian
Palomares, Eva Benavent
Murillo, Oscar
Parvizi, Javad
Shohat, Noam
Reinoso, Javier Cobo
Sanchez, Rosa Escudero
Fernandez-Sampedro, Marta
Senneville, Eric
Huotari, Kaisa
Allende, Jose Maria Barbero
Garcia-Canete, Joaquin
Lora-Tamayo, Jaime
Ferrari, Matteo Carlo
Vaznaisiene, Danguole
Yusuf, Erlangga
Aboltins, Craig A.
Trebse, Rihard
Salles, Mauro Jose
Benito, Natividad
Vila, Andrea
Dolores Del Toro, Maria
Kramer, Tobias Siegfried
Petersdorf, Sabine
Diaz-Brito, Vicens
Tufan, Zeliha Kocak
Sanchez, Marisa
Arvieux, Cedric
Soriano, Alex
- Clinical outcome and risk factors for failure in late acute prosthetic joint infections treated with debridement and implant retention, 2019
Makhado, Ndivhuho A.
Matabane, Edith
Faccin, Mauro
Pinçon, Claire
Jouet, Agathe
Boutachkourt, Fairouz
Goeminne, Leonie
Gaudin, Cyril
Maphalala, Gugu
Beckert, Patrick
Niemann, Stefan
Delvenne, Jean-Charles
Delmee, Michel
Razwiedani, Lufuno
Nchabeleng, Maphoshane
Supply, Philip
De Jong, Bouke C.
Andre, Emmanuel
- Outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in south africa undetected by who-endorsed commercial tests: an observational study, 2018
Javaudin, François
Desce, Natacha
Le Bastard, Quentin
De Carvalho, Hugo
Le Conte, Philippe
Escutnaire, Josephine
Hubert, Hervé
Montassier, Emmanuel
Leclere, Brice
- Impact of pre-hospital vital parameters on the neurological outcome of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: results from the french national cardiac arrest registry, 2018
Drullion, Claire
Marot, Guillemette
Martin, Nathalie
Desle, Julie
Saas, Laure
Salazar-Cardozo, Clara
Bouali, Fatima
Pourtier, Albin
Abbadie, Corinne
Pluquet, Olivier
- Pre-malignant transformation by senescence evasion is prevented by the perk and atf6alpha branches of the unfolded protein response, 2018
Arkenau, Hendrik-Tobias
Martin-Liberal, Juan
Calvo, Emiliano
Penel, Nicolas
Krebs, Matthew G.
Herbst, Roy S.
Walgren, Richard A.
Widau, Ryan C.
Mi, Gu
Jin, Jin
Ferry, David
Chau, Ian
- Ramucirumab plus pembrolizumab in patients with previously treated advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer: nonrandomized, open-label, phase i trial (jvdf), 2018
Deschildre, Antoine
Roussel, Juliette
Drumez, Elodie
Abou-Taam, R.
Rames, C.
Le Roux, P.
Pouessel, Guillaume
Scalbert, M.
Bonnel, C.
Mitha, S.
Boileau, S.
Mordacq, C.
Thumerelle, Caroline
Labreuche, Julien
Lejeune, Stephanie
Marguet, Christophe
- Omalizumab discontinuation in children with severe allergic asthma: an observational real life study, 2018
Guidez, Stephanie
Labreuche, Julien
Drumez, Elodie
Ysebaert, Loic
Bakala, Jana
Delette, Caroline
Hivert, Benedicte
Protin, Caroline
Declercq, Herve
Verlay, Melanie
Marolleau, Jean-Pierre
Duhamel, Alain
Morel, Pierre
- Onsets of progression and second treatment determine survival of patients with symptomatic waldenstr�m macroglobulinemia, 2018
Egrot, C.
Dinh, A.
Amarenco, G.
Bernard, Louis
Birgand, G.
Bruyere, F.
Chartier-Kastler, E.
Cosson, Michel
Deffieux, Xavier
Denys, P.
Etienne, M.
Fatton, B.
Fritel, X.
Game, X.
Lawrence, C.
Lenormand, L.
Lepelletier, Didier
Lucet, Jean-Christophe
Marit Ducamp, E.
Pulcini, C.
Robain, G.
Senneville, Eric
De Seze, M.
Sotto, A.
Zahar, Jean-Ralph
Caron, F.
Hermieu, J-F
- Antibiotic prophylaxis in urodynamics: clinical practice guidelines using a formal consensus method, 2018
Duffaud, Florence
Mir, Olivier
Boudou-Rouquette, Pascaline
Piperno-Neumann, Sophie
Penel, Nicolas
Bompas, Emmanuelle
Delcambre, Corinne
Kalbacher, Elsa
Italiano, Antoine
Collard, Olivier
Chevreau, Christine
Saada, Esma
Isambert, Nicolas
Delaye, Jessy
Schiffler, Camille
Bouvier, Corinne
Vidal, Vincent
Chabaud, Sylvie
Blay, Jean-Yves
- Efficacy and safety of regorafenib in adult patients with metastatic osteosarcoma: a non-comparative, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 study, 2018
Rosso, Charlotte
Blanc, Raphael
Ly, Julien
Samson, Yves
Lehericy, Stéphane
Gory, Benjamin
Marnat, Gaultier
Mazighi, Mikael
Consoli, Arturo
Labreuche, Julien
Saleme, Suzana
Costalat, Vincent
Bracard, Serge
Desal, Hubert
Piotin, Michel
Lapergue, Bertrand
- Impact of infarct location on functional outcome following endovascular therapy for stroke, 2018
Ferry, Tristan
Seng, Piseth
Mainard, Didier
Jenny, Jean-Yves
Laurent, Frédéric
Senneville, Eric
Grare, Marion
Jolivet-Gougeon, Anne
Bernard, Louis
Marmor, Simon
- The crioac healthcare network in france: a nationwide health ministry program to improve the management of bone and joint infection, 2018
Caiazzo, Robert
Baud, Gregory
Clement, Guillaume
Lenne, Xavier
Torres, Fanelly
Dezfoulian, Guelareh
Lebuffe, Gilles
Kipnis, Eric
Pattou, Francois
- Impact of Centralized Management of Bariatric Surgery Complications on 90-day Mortality., 2018
Kotecki, Nuria
Le Cesne, Axel
Tresch-Bruneel, Emmanuelle
Ray-Coquard, Isabelle
Chevreau, Christine
Bertucci, François
Bogart, Emilie
Mir, Olivier
Pautier, Patricia
Decoupigny, Emilie
Clisant-Delaine, Stephanie
Blay, Jean-Yves
Penel, Nicolas
- Impact of trabectedin interruption and subsequent rechallenge on progression in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma long-term follow-up of the t-dis trial, 2018
Sigala, Julien
Dossou-Gbete, F.
Frimat, K.
Barbotin, Anne-Laure
Buee, Luc
Behal, Helene
Sergeant, Nicolas
Mitchell, Valérie
- A-kinase anchor protein 4 precursor (pro-akap4) in human spermatozoa, 2018
Milesi, Christophe
Pierre, Anne-Florence
Deho, Anna
Pouyau, Robin
Liet, Jean-Michel
Guillot, Camille
Guilbert, Anne-Sophie
Rambaud, Jerome
Millet, Astrid
Afanetti, Mickael
Guichoux, Julie
Genuini, Mathieu
Mansir, Thierry
Bergounioux, Jean
Michel, Fabrice
Marcoux, Marie-Odile
Baleine, Julien
Durand, Sabine
Durand, Philippe
Dauger, Stéphane
Javouhey, Etienne
Leteurtre, Stephane
Brissaud, Olivier
Renolleau, Sylvain
Portefaix, Aurelie
Douillard, Aymeric
Cambonie, Gilles
- A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a 3-l/kg/min versus 2-l/kg/min high-flow nasal cannula flow rate in young infants with severe viral bronchiolitis (tramontane 2), 2018
Kibler, Marion
Marchandot, Benjamin
Messas, Nathan
Labreuche, Julien
Vincent, Flavien
Grunebaum, Lelia
Hoang, Viet Anh
Reydel, Antje
Crimizade, Ulun
Kindo, Michel
Hoang, Minh Tam
Zeyons, Floriane
Trinh, Annie
Petit-Eisenmann, Helene
De Poli, Fabien
Leddet, Pierre
Duhamel, Alain
Jesel, Laurence
Ohana, Mickael
Susen, Sophie
Ohlmann, Patrick
Van Belle, Eric
Morel, Olivier
- Primary hemostatic disorders and late major bleeding after transcatheter aortic valve replacement, 2018
Calabro, Federico
Coen, Massimo
Franceschini, Massimo
Franco-Cendejas, Rafael
Hewlett, Angela
Segreti, John
Senneville, Eric
- Hip and knee section, treatment, antimicrobial suppression: proceedings of international consensus on orthopedic infections, 2018
Subtil, Damien
Brabant, Gilles
Tilloy, Emma
Devos, Patrick
Canis, Frederique
Fruchart, Annie
Bissinger, Marie-Christine
Dugimont, Jean-Charles
Nolf, Catherine
Hacot, Christophe
Gautier, Sophie
Chantrel, Jerome
Jousse, Marielle
Desseauve, David
Plennevaux, Jean Louis
Delaeter, Christine
Deghilage, Sylvie
Personne, Anne
Joyez, Emmanuelle
Guinard, Elisabeth
Kipnis, Eric
Faure, Karine
Grandbastien, Bruno
Ancel, Pierre-Yves
Goffinet, François
Dessein, Rodrigue
- Early clindamycin for bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy (premeva): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial, 2018
Madika, Anne-Laure
Lemesle, Gilles
Lamblin, Nicolas
Meurice, Thibaud
Tricot, Olivier
Mounier-Vehier, Claire
Bauters, Christophe
- Gender differences in clinical characteristics, medical management, risk factor control, and long-term outcome of patients with stable coronary artery disease: from the coronor registry, 2018
Vanspranghels, R.
Debarge, Veronique
Vaast, Pascal
Coulon, Capucine
Clouqueur, Elodie
Hanssens, Sandy
Rakza, Thameur
Subtil, Damien
Garabedian, Charles
- Does an intrauterine exchange transfusion improve the fetal prognosis in parvovirus infection cases?, 2018
Clough, Rachel E.
Barilla, David
Delsart, Pascal
Ledieu, Guillaume
Spear, Rafaelle
Crichton, Siobhan
Mounier-Vehier, Claire
Peacock, Janet
Sobocinski, Jonathan
Haulon, Stephan
- Long-term survival and risk analysis in 136 consecutive patients with type b aortic dissection presenting to a single centre over an 11 year period, 2018