Article dans une revue scientifique
Perez-Gracia, J. L.
Penel, Nicolas
Calvo, E.
Arkenau, H. T.
Amaral, T.
Grünwald, V.
Sanmamed, M. F.
- Reply to letter to the editor \"Bureaucracy or Streamlining the Rules in \"Good Clinical Practice (GCP)\" - Has Equipoise Occurred?\" by H. K. Kotikonda, V. G. Jonnalagadda and S. R. Venna., 2023
Sabot, Philippe
Moroni, Christine
Pentini, Anna Aluffi
Pabjan, Barbara
Machado, Maria Manuela Pereira
Katkonienė, Agata
Czajkowski, Paweł
Bardauskienė, Raminta
BEUSCART, Jean-Baptiste
- Reconsidering frailty from a human and social sciences standpoint: towards an interdisciplinary approach to vulnerability., 2023
Chetboun, Mikael
Drumez, Elodie
Ballou, Cassandra
Maanaoui, Mehdi
Payne, Elizabeth
Barton, Franca
Pattou Kerr-Conte, Julie
Vantyghem, Marie-Christine
Piemonti, Lorenzo
Rickels, Michael R.
Labreuche, Julien
Pattou, Francois
- Association between primary graft function and 5-year outcomes of islet allogeneic transplantation in type 1 diabetes: a retrospective, multicentre, observational cohort study in 1210 patients from the Collaborative Islet Transplant Registry., 2023
Tam, C. S.
Kapoor, P.
Castillo, J. J.
Buske, C.
Ansell, S. M.
Branagan, A. R.
Kimby, E.
Li, Y.
Palomba, M. L.
Qiu, L.
Shadman, M.
Abeykoon, J. P.
Sarosiek, S.
Vos, J.
Yi, S.
Stephens, D.
Roos-Weil, D.
Roccaro, A. M.
Morel, Pierre
Munshi, N. C.
Anderson, K. C.
San-Miguel, J.
Garcia-Sanz, R.
Dimopoulos, M. A.
Treon, S. P.
Kersten, M. J.
- Report of consensus panel 7 from the 11th international workshop on Waldenström macroglobulinemia on priorities for novel clinical trials., 2023
Terpos, E.
Branagan, A. R.
García-Sanz, R.
Trotman, J.
Greenberger, L. M.
Stephens, D. M.
Morel, Pierre
Kimby, E.
Frustaci, A. M.
Hatjiharissi, E.
San-Miguel, J.
Dimopoulos, M. A.
Treon, S. P.
Leblond, V.
- Report of consensus panel 5 from the 11th international workshop on Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia on COVID-19 prophylaxis and management., 2023
Mohamed, Islam
Cleenewerck, Virginie
Duhamel, Alain
Giordano, Jessica
Ego, Alice
Fonne, Nicolas
Chenivesse, Cecile
Remy, Jacques
Remy, Martine
- Pulmonary circulation abnormalities in post-acute COVID-19 syndrome: dual-energy CT angiographic findings in 79 patients., 2023
Hoarau, Delphine
Tosello, Barthélémy
Blanc, Julie
Lorthe, Elsa
Foix-L'helias, Laurence
D'ercole, Claude
Winer, Norbert
Subtil, Damien
Goffinet, François
Kayem, Gilles
Resseguier, Noémie
Gire, Catherine
- Chorionicity and neurodevelopmental outcomes at 5½ years among twins born preterm: the EPIPAGE2 cohort study., 2023
Ramillon, Julien
De Lamballerie, Xavier
Robineau, Olivier
Blanché, Hélène
Severi, Gianluca
Touvier, Mathilde
Zins, Marie
Carrat, Fabrice
Lapidus, Nathanaël
- Antibody response, associated symptoms and profile of patients presumably infected by SARS-CoV-2 with taste or smell disorders in the SAPRIS multicohort study., 2023
Matta, Joane
Wiernik, Emmanuel
Robineau, Olivier
Severi, Gianluca
Touvier, Mathilde
Gouraud, Clément
Ouazana-Vedrines, Charles
Pitron, Victor
Ranque, Brigitte
Hoertel, Nicolas
Van Den Bergh, Omer
Witthöft, Michael
Kab, Sofiane
Goldberg, Marcel
Zins, Marie
Lemogne, Cédric
- Trust in sources of information on COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic's first wave and incident persistent symptoms in the population-based CONSTANCES cohort: A prospective study., 2023
Gaillandre, Yann
Duhamel, Alain
Flohr, Thomas
Faivre, Jean-Baptiste
Khung, Suonita
Hutt, Antoine
Felloni, Paul
Remy, Jacques
Remy, Martine
- Ultra-high resolution CT imaging of interstitial lung disease: impact of photon-counting CT in 112 patients., 2023
Maïer, Benjamin
Di Meglio, Lucas
Desilles, Jean-Philippe
Solo Nomenjanahary, Mialitiana
Delvoye, François
Kyheng, Maéva
Boursin, Perrine
Ollivier, Véronique
Dupont, Sébastien
Rambaud, Thomas
Hamdani, Mylène
Labreuche, Julien
Blanc, Raphaël
Piotin, Michel
Halimi, Jean-Michel
Mazighi, Mikaël
Ho-Tin-Noe, Benoit
- Neutrophil activation in patients treated with endovascular therapy is associated with unfavorable outcomes and mitigated by intravenous thrombolysis., 2023
Muller, Joris
Loc, Pierre Tran Ba
Foucard, Florence Binder
Borde, Aurélie
Bruandet, Amelie
Le Bourhis-Zaimi, Maggie
Lenne, Xavier
Ouattara, Eric
Seguret, Fabienne
Gilleron, Véronique
Du Montcel, Sophie Tezenas
- Major interregional differences in France of COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality from January to June 2020, 2023
Dufresne, A.
Pissaloux, D.
Ngo, C.
Penel, Nicolas
Le Cesne, A.
Macagno, N.
Vanacker, H.
Hénon, C.
Jean-Denis, M.
Rughoo, K.
Tirode, F.
Blay, J. Y.
Brahmi, M.
- Natural history and treatment efficacy in an ambispective case series of NTRK-rearranged mesenchymal tumors., 2023
Vanhelst, Jeremy
Beghin, Laurent
Drumez, Elodie
Labreuche, Julien
Polito, Angela
De Ruyter, Thaïs
Censi, Laura
Ferrari, Marika
Miguel-Berges, Maria Luisa
Michels, Nathalie
De Henauw, Stefaan
Moreno, Luis A
Gottrand, fréderic
- Changes in physical activity patterns from adolescence to young adulthood: the BELINDA study., 2023
Lepercq, Delphine
Gauss, T.
Godier, A.
Bellet, Julie
Bouhours, G.
Bouzat, P.
Cailliau, Emeline
Cook, F.
David, J. S.
Drame, F.
Gauthier, M.
Lamblin, A.
Pottecher, J.
Tavernier, Benoit
Huet Garrigue, Delphine
- Association of Organizational Pathways With the Delay of Emergency Surgery, 2023
Chevalier, Kevin
Genin, Michaël
Petit Jean, Thomas
Avouac, Jérôme
Flipo, René-Marc
Georgin-Lavialle, Sophie
El Mahou, Soumaya
Pertuiset, Edouard
Pham, Thao
Servettaz, Amélie
Marotte, Hubert
Domont, Fanny
Chazerain, Pascal
Devaux, Mathilde
Mekinian, Arsene
Sellam, Jérémie
Fautrel, Bruno
Rouzaud, Diane
Ebstein, Esther
Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie
Richez, Christophe
Hachulla, Eric
Mariette, Xavier
Seror, Raphaèle
- CovAID: Identification of factors associated with severe COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory rheumatism or autoimmune diseases., 2023
Christensen, Rachel E.
Yi, Michael D.
Kang, Bianca Y.
Ibrahim, Sarah A.
Anvery, Noor
Dirr, McKenzie
Adams, Stephanie
Amer, Yasser S.
Bisdorff, Alexandre
Bradfield, Lisa
Brown, Steve
Earley, Amy
Fatheree, Lisa A.
Fayoux, Pierre
Getchius, Thomas
Ginex, Paolo
Graham, Amanda
Green, Courtney R.
Gresele, Paolo
Hanson, Helen
Haynes, Norrisa
Hegedüs, Laszlo
Hussein, Heba
Jakhmola, Priya
Kantorova, Lucia
Krishnasamy, Rathika
Krist, Alex
Landry, Gregory
Lease, Erika D.
Ley, Luis
Marsden, Gemma
Meek, Tim
Meremikwu, Martin
Moga, Carmen
Mokrane, Saphia
Mujoomdar, Amol
Newton, Skye
O'flynn, Norma
Perkins, Gavin D.
Prematunge, Chatura
Rychert, Jenna
Saraco, Mindy
Schünemann, Holger J.
Senerth, Emily
Sinclair, Alan
Shwayder, James
Stec, Carla
Tanni, Suzana
Taske, Nichole
Temple-Smolkin, Robyn L.
Thomas, Louise
Thomas, Sherene
Tonnessen, Britt
Turner, Amy S.
Van Dam, Anne
Van Doormaal, Mitchell
Wan, Yung Liang
Ventura, Christina B.
Mcfarlane, Emma
Morgan, Rebecca L.
Ogunremi, Toju
Alam, Murad
- Development of an International Glossary for Clinical Guidelines Collaboration., 2023
Brousmiche, Delphine
Lanier, Caroline
Occelli, Florent
Pochet, Louis
Degezelle, Samuel
Genin, Michaël
Deram, Annabelle
Cuny, Damien
- Spatial scale and spatial effects: Shedding light on how a change of scale can affect the characterization of environmental health inequalities, 2023
Paccou, Julien
Badr, Sammy
Lombardo, Daniela
Khizindar, Huda
Deken, Valerie
Ruschke, Stefan
Karampinos, Dimitrios C.
Cotten, Anne
Cortet, Bernard
- Bone Marrow Adiposity and Fragility Fractures in Postmenopausal Women: The ADIMOS Case-Control Study., 2023
Chabanne, Russell
Geeraerts, Thomas
Begard, Marc
Balança, Baptiste
Rapido, Francesco
Degos, Vincent
Tavernier, Benoit
Molliex, Serge
Velly, Lionel
Verdonk, Franck
Lukaszewicz, Anne-Claire
Perrigault, Pierre-François
Albucher, Jean-François
Cognard, Christophe
Guyot, Adrien
Fernandez, Charlotte
Masgrau, Aurélie
Moreno, Ricardo
Ferrier, Anna
Jaber, Samir
Bazin, Jean-Etienne
Pereira, Bruno
Futier, Emmanuel
- Outcomes After Endovascular Therapy With Procedural Sedation vs General Anesthesia in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: The AMETIS Randomized Clinical Trial., 2023
Daniel, Sam J.
Fayoux, Pierre
Bateman, Neil
Boudewyns, An
Brigger, Matthew
Chan, Ching Yee
Chan, Kenny
Cheng, Alan
Conley, Stephen
Kubba, Haytham
Lambert, Elton M.
Muntz, Harlan
Nuss, Roger
Russell, John
Rutter, Mike
Schwarz, Yehuda
Spratley, Jorge
Thevasagayam, Ravi
Thompson, Dana
Valika, Taher
Wyatt, Michelle
- Comprehensive management of anterior drooling: An International Pediatric Otolaryngology Group (IPOG) consensus statement., 2023
Lavallée, P. C.
Charles, H.
Albers, G. W.
Caplan, L. R.
Donnan, G. A.
Ferro, J. M.
Hennerici, M. G.
Labreuche, Julien
Molina, C.
Rothwell, P. M.
Steg, P. G.
Touboul, P. J.
Uchiyama, S.
Vicaut, É.
Wong, L. K. S.
Amarenco, P.
- Effect of atherosclerosis on 5-year risk of major vascular events in patients with transient ischaemic attack or minor ischaemic stroke: an international prospective cohort study., 2023
Bourezma, Mélina
Mur, Sébastien
Storme, Laurent
Cailliau, Emeline
Vaast, Pascal
Sfeir, Rony
Lauriot Dit Prevost, Arthur
Aubry, Estelle
Le Duc, Kévin
Sharma, Dyuti
- Surgical Risk Factors for Delayed Oral Feeding Autonomy in Patients with Left-Sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia., 2023
Broyelle, Antonin
Delanoy, Nicolas
Bimbai, Andre Michel
Le Deley, Marie-Cécile
Penel, Nicolas
Villers, Arnauld
Lebellec, Loïc
Oudard, Stéphane
- Taxanes Versus Androgen Receptor Therapy as Second-Line Treatment for Castrate-Resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer After First-Line Androgen Receptor Therapy., 2023
Courtalin, Marion
Bertheaume, Nicolas
Badr, S.
During, Alexandrine
Lombardo, D.
Deken, Valerie
Cortet, Bernard
Clabaut, Aline
Paccou, Julien
- Relationships between Circulating Sclerostin, Bone Marrow Adiposity, Other Adipose Deposits and Lean Mass in Post-Menopausal Women., 2023
Benhamed, Axel
Mercier, Eric
Freyssenge, Julie
Heidet, Mathieu
Gauss, Tobias
Canon, Valentine
Claustre, Clement
Tazarourte, Karim
- Impact of the 2015 European guidelines for resuscitation on traumatic cardiac arrest outcomes and prehospital management: a French nationwide interrupted time-series analysis., 2023
Mutez, Eugenie
Swiderski, M.
Moreau, C.
Baille, G.
Degardin, A.
Ryckewaert, G.
Carriere, N.
Kreisler, Alexandre
Simonin, Clémence
Rouaix, N.
Tir, M.
Krystkowiak, P.
Ramdane, Nassima
Genin, Michaël
Sablonniere, Bernard
Defebvre, L.
Huin, Vincent
- Indication for molecular testing by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification in parkinsonism., 2023
Charles, Lucie
Martinot, Pierre
Dartus, Julien
Senneville, Eric
Pasquier, Gilles
Putman, Sophie
Girard, Julien
Titecat, Marie
Migaud, Henri
- Should microbiological samples be taken routinely when performing revision surgery for post-surgical hematoma after hip or knee replacement? Retrospective study of 78 cases of surgically drained hematoma with a minimum follow-up of 2 years., 2023
Lafrance, Martin
Recher, Morgan
Javaudin, François
Chouihed, Tahar
Wiel, Eric
Helft, Gérard
Hubert, Hervé
Baert, Valentine
- Bystander basic life support and survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A propensity score matching analysis., 2023
Penel, Nicolas
Bonvalot, Sylvie
Le Deley, Marie-Cécile
Italiano, Antoine
Tlemsani, Camille
Pannier, Diane
Leguillette, Clémence
Kurtz, Jean-Emmanuel
Toulmonde, Maud
Thery, Julien
Orbach, Daniel
Dubray-Longeras, Pascale
Verret, Benjamin
Bertucci, François
Guillemet, Cécile
Laroche, Lucie
Dufresne, Armelle
Blay, Jean-Yves
Le Cesne, Axel
- Pain in desmoid-type fibromatosis: prevalence, determinants, and prognosis value., 2023
Loukili, N. Henoun
Loquet, A.
Perrin, A.
Gaillot, O.
Bruandet, Amelie
Sendid, Boualem
Zahar, J. R.
Nseir, Saad
- Time to intestinal clearance of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in hospital patients: a longitudinal retrospective observational cohort study., 2023
Lailler, Grégory
Grave, Clémence
Gabet, Amélie
Regnault, Nolwenn
Deneux-Tharaux, Catherine
Kretz, Sandrine
Mounier-Vehier, Claire
Tsatsaris, Vassilis
Plu-Bureau, Geneviève
Blacher, Jacques
Olié, Valérie
- Adverse Maternal and Infant Outcomes in Women With Chronic Hypertension in France (2010-2018): The Nationwide CONCEPTION Study., 2023
Sanges, Sebastien
Rice, Lisa
Tu, Ly
Valenzi, Eleanor
Cracowski, Jean-Luc
Montani, David
Mantero, Julio C
Ternynck, Camille
Marot, Guillemette
Bujor, Andreea M
Hachulla, Eric
Launay, David
Humbert, Marc
Guignabert, Christophe
Lafyatis, Robert
- Biomarkers of haemodynamic severity of systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension by serum proteome analysis, 2023